Check out Craig on ReverbNation
Hi all! If you'd like to hear some more of my music, feel free to check me out on ReverbNation where you'll find some bonus material and...

My New Album Now Available!
Well, after lots of blood, sweat & tears, my new album is finally out! Check it out on iTunes, CDBaby or Bandcamp today!

The Enigmatic Bruno Hubert
I had the honour of recording with the inimitable Bruno Hubert on my new recording. Check out this amazingly talented pianist at...

Brian Bennett at brianism.ca
Hey internet, check out my friend Brian Bennett's incredible paintings over at brianism.ca A truly talented artist, and I feel blessed...

New Album Available for Pre-order on iTunes
Hey everyone, my new album Mississippi Rose is now available on iTunes for pre-order!

The Pillars - Try (Video) Live at Libra Room, Vancouver
Hey peeps, just dug up this video from The Pillars - Craig Anthony, Bruno Hubert and Sam Cartwright - playing in Vancouver in 2014. Take...

Merry Christmas Everyone!
A warm embrace for Christmas joy for everyone :) This rendition of "Christmas Time Is Here" embodies what Christmas feels like for me. By...

It's a Trump World - But There's Hope
It's certainly been an emotional week for many. The unthinkable has happened. But we must move forward. I've collected my thoughts about...

Recording The Final Bits With Peggy Lee
Well, as bittersweet as it is, the final recording session just took place with the wonderful Peggy Lee on cello laying down parts for...

Finishing The New Album
Well, it's been over a year and a half in the making and the finishing touches are happening - so exciting! Can't wait to share all of my...